Blending Discipline with Innovation
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Picture a world where the pursuit of business excellence isn't confined to the monotonous rhythm of relentless repetition. Instead, a vibrant landscape emerges, one where 'smart practice' weaves traditional methods' steadfastness with innovative approaches' dynamism. Here, the marriage of practice and play doesn't just promise success; it accelerates it.

“Here, the marriage of practice and play doesn't just promise success; it accelerates it.”

Enter the realm of Anders Ericsson's "Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise," co-authored with Robert Pool. They invite us on a journey through the human brain's remarkable adaptability, showing us that mastering new skills is not hindered by a lack of potential but by contentment with the 'good enough.' Ericsson challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones, where true mastery awaits.

In business, smart practice is a dance of precision and creativity. It's not the clocked hours that count but how they're spent—targeting specific skills, absorbing expert feedback, and constantly stretching beyond yesterday's achievements. This is where business not only grows but evolves.

Deliberate Practice, as sculpted by Ericsson, is more than a regimen; it's a craft. It calls for clear goals, immediate feedback, and a focus on both technique and outcome. It's demanding, often challenging our very limits, but the triumph of improvement and mastery is its sweet reward.

“Effective practice isn't a solo journey. It begins with the guidance of a mentor, involves setting crystal-clear objectives, and demands focused consistent effort. Stepping out of comfort zones becomes routine, and with each bold step, expertise is no longer a distant dream but an imminent reality.”

But mastery isn't just about rigor; it's also about the spirit of innovation and creativity. It's a landscape where experimentation and originality are not just encouraged but celebrated, birthing groundbreaking products and novel business models.

At the heart of this new world is the essence of play, as emphasized by Influential U. Drawing from the wisdom of Aristotle and the insights of Hannah Arendt, play emerges not just as an activity but as a vital ingredient in life's pursuit of happiness and creativity. Arendt paints play as a liberating force, essential for imagination and societal engagement.

When infused with the essence of play, Smart Practice transforms into a potent force for business advancement. It's a harmonious blend of Ericsson's disciplined, Deliberate Practice with elements that ignite efficiency and spark creativity. This is not just practice; it's an alchemy of growth, success, and innovation.

“This is not just practice; it's an alchemy of growth, success, and innovation.”

Imagine now a practice that transcends routine, morphing into a powerful catalyst for business excellence and innovation. Embracing these principles unlocks new potentials, paving diverse pathways to success. Welcome to the new era of business mastery, where smart practice and play converge.

To ensure this mastery, remember these key action steps:

  1. Well-Defined, Specific Goals: Deliberate practice is always goal-oriented. The goals should be expertly directed, specific, and clear, not vague or general. This focus helps in directing the practice and measuring progress.
  2. Focused Practice: It involves intense and concentrated practice sessions. During deliberate practice, one should give full attention to the task at hand, minimizing distractions and avoiding mindless repetition.
  3. Feedback: Immediate and informative feedback is a critical component of deliberate practice. This feedback allows individuals to understand their performance and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Stepping Outside of One's Comfort Zone: Deliberate practice involves practicing at the edge of one's abilities, constantly pushing beyond the comfort zone. It's about tackling tasks or skills that are just out of reach and thus require stretching one's current abilities.
  5. Developing a Routine: Consistency is key in deliberate practice. It involves developing a regular, ideally daily, practice routine that is maintained over long periods. This consistency helps in building and refining the skills progressively.

By embracing the principles of deliberate practice and infusing them with a spirit of play, individuals and organizations can unlock unprecedented levels of mastery and innovation. This transformative approach cultivates a relentless pursuit of growth and continuous improvement and celebrates the joy and freedom of experimentation and originality.

As we step into the Influential U 2024 Year of Practice, we are reminded that the path to excellence is not linear but a dynamic dance of precision, creativity, and adaptability, leading to a future where success is not just achieved but continuously reimagined.


John Patterson
Co-founder and CEO

John Patterson co-founded and manages the faculty and consultants of Influential U global. Since 1987, he has led workshops, programs, and conferences for over 100k people in diverse professions, industries, and cultures. His history includes corporate curriculum design focusing on business ecosystems, influence, leadership, and high-performance training and development.
