Keep playing, keep growing
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A Game-Changer Across All Species

Did you know that play is a big deal in the animal kingdom? From cats chasing laser pointers to kids building sandcastles, play is everywhere. It's not just a human thing - it's a nature thing. Renowned researchers like Panksepp have shown us that play is hardwired into our DNA. It's how we learn, grow, and outsmart life's challenges.

Cognitive Development: First, let's talk about brain power. Play isn't just fun; it's like a workout for your brain. Studies show that when animals (and yeah, that includes us!) engage in play, they're boosting their problem-solving skills and getting smarter. Think about it - your brain is leveling up whenever you solve a puzzle or play a strategy game.

Emotional Benefits: But hey, it's not all about smarts. Play is also about feeling good. Have you ever noticed how much lighter you feel after a good laugh or a fun game? That's play doing its magic. Fun releases an angel’s cocktail of neurotransmitters that help us handle our emotions better and give us a solid emotional workout. We learn to deal with the ups and downs of life in a safe and fun way.

Socialization and Communication: Let's not forget about making friends and getting along. Play teaches us the art of teamwork, communication, and understanding those subtle social cues. Animals do it, too - they play to learn their groups' rules and get along with their pals. It's like social skills training for their herd, pack, or tribe.

Physical Health and Development: Play keeps us fit and active too. It's the best kind of exercise because you forget you're working out. Animals play to prep for the challenges of the wild, and we play to keep our bodies healthy and strong. It's a win-win!

Creativity and Imagination: Now, let's unleash that imagination! Play is where creativity runs wild. It's where we dream up new worlds, solve impossible problems, and think beyond the familiar. It's not just child's play; it's a skill we carry into adulthood, helping us innovate and adapt to our ever-changing world.

Therapeutic Applications: And here's something super cool - play isn't just for fun; it's also a powerful tool for healing. Play therapy is changing lives and helping people, especially kids, work through challenging emotions and experiences in a natural and comforting way.

So, let's not underestimate the power of play. It's a key player (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) in our development, touching every aspect of our lives, from our brains to our emotions, to our social lives and physical health. Let's champion play in our lives and our communities. Remember, when we play, we grow in every way.

How might we transform deliberate practice into something enjoyable and fulfilling? Think about practicing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or honing your basketball skills. It's usually structured and can sometimes feel like a grind. But here's where we flip the script and infuse it with the magic of play.

1. Set Fun Goals
2. Gamify the Process
3. Celebrate Small Wins
4. Mix It Up
5. Find Your Play Buddies
6. Focus on the Journey, Not Just the Outcome

By incorporating these elements, deliberate practice transforms from a rigorous routine into an engaging, enjoyable activity. It's about making the journey as rewarding as the destination. So, let's play our way to mastery and enjoy every step of the way!

Keep playing, keep growing, and stay influential!


John Patterson
Co-founder and CEO

John Patterson co-founded and manages the faculty and consultants of Influential U global. Since 1987, he has led workshops, programs, and conferences for over 100k people in diverse professions, industries, and cultures. His history includes corporate curriculum design focusing on business ecosystems, influence, leadership, and high-performance training and development.
